Fabric Tags that are Foremost

For the best fabric tags and labels money can buy, Hi-Tech Printing & Labeling Inc. is your one-stop shop. Tags on the inside of apparel, pillows, curtains, etc. all require the specific detail that lets buyers know exactly who they’re buying from and what they’re getting. This may be a small matter that some manufacturers often overlook, but to the cunning apparel/fabric connoisseur it is more than that, superb labels and tags are the signature of an excellent brand.

Fabric tags and labels can be produced in a variety of styles, colors, and designs that can lend to the aesthetic of an apparel brand’s identity. While some apparel producers prefer a bland, one size fits all approach; other more creative brands will take this not so small detail and make it a part of their brand identity and style. Buyers can have their tags printed or woven to increase the individuality and appeal of their product. Hi-Tech Printing & Labeling Inc. is fully equipped to provide labels in a variety of colors and sizes. Organic options are available, as well as your choice of materials to suit the feel of your apparel needs.

Hang tags or custom shaped labels of all types are available for all kinds of products lines for garments appealing to all age and demographic groups on your apparel. Our designers are truly versatile and we have produced first-rate results for all types of companies.

There are many companies that provide labels and tags, but when it comes to top quality and outstanding customer service, several decades of consistent quality has put our team of professionals at Hi-Tech Printing & Labeling Inc. in a category all their own.

To get started, contact us today by phone or visit our contact page.

Our Location

1950 Staunton Ave.
Los Angeles, Ca 90058
(2 Blocks West of Alameda, 1 Block South of Washington)

Contact Us

Tel : (213) 746-7772
Fax: (213) 746-4412

HI-TECH Printing & Labeling Inc.

We have the expertise and ability to create labels and tags for your product! Check out some recent samples of our work and prices and contact us for all your labelling needs. Call us toll free for a free quote or drop by for free samples.