The Not-to-be-Overlooked Clothing Labels and Tags

The Not-to-be-Overlooked Clothing Labels and Tags

Securing fabric labels for clothing is one of the final tasks in garment production but it’s not the least important. You expend considerable energy choosing expertly crafted fabric, vibrant colors to entice consumers and preparing final garments for retailers’ satisfaction. In the end you want consumers to like and buy the garments, but they will also hopefully remember the brand and seek its products another day. Hi-Tech Printing & Labeling Inc. understands the value of strategic labeling in a company’s sales strategy.

Why gloss over a marketing opportunity when colorful, eye-catching apparel labels can further attract customers and drive sales? Not only can messages get reinforced, garment labels can be a place for stunning logos and other customer-attractive visuals. Additionally, hastily applied fabric labels may be too large or improperly attached, causing discomfort for buyers and problems for sellers. The fabric may be inappropriate, effecting buyer comfort or possibly the longevity of the tag. Hi-Tech Printing & Labeling knows the pitfalls and presents solutions.

When it comes to fabric labels, Los Angeles company Hi-Tech Printing & Labeling has a quarter-century worth of expertise to present ideas and solutions to your garment sales challenges. We provide options in terms of fabrics including cotton, polyester, nylon and satin; and choices for styles from regular hanging tags to iron-on, hang tags and more. On top of it all we place logos, trademarks and whatever else is needed onto labels in the most eye-catching colors, using methods that will stand the test of time. Our factory’s multi-colored press also means customers can have up to eight tones printed onto a selected fabric. We make it a practice to offer the very best to our customers whenever possible.

Our Location

1950 Staunton Ave.
Los Angeles, Ca 90058
(2 Blocks West of Alameda, 1 Block South of Washington)

Contact Us

Tel : (213) 746-7772
Fax: (213) 746-4412

HI-TECH Printing & Labeling Inc.

We have the expertise and ability to create labels and tags for your product! Check out some recent samples of our work and prices and contact us for all your labelling needs. Call us toll free for a free quote or drop by for free samples.