Merchandise Tags

Merchandise Tags


There are many incidentals involved with starting a clothing, fabric, or similar business that can make a subtle, yet important business. We here at Hi-Tech Printing & Labeling, Inc. understand this and strive to make the items that we have control over—like your merchandise tags—as affordable and well-made as possible. We guarantee fantastic apparel tagsat a reasonable price and always on time. This is because Hi-Tech Printing & Labeling, Inc. maintains enough equipment to satisfy practically any order, but isn't as large as huge companies who neglect to give you the personal touch you deserve.


Plus, the team here at Hi-Tech Printing & Labeling, Inc. has decades of experience in the clothing tag industry. This means there are very few surprises in our work because we've practically seen it all. In fact, we like the challenge of a difficult order for merchandise tags. We can artfully render any logo or brand image on a whole range of tags; just simply send us your image to our email address and we'll get right to work. Hi-Tech Printing & Labeling, Inc. has crafted unique and colorful designs in many formats, including organic cotton labels, woven labels, printed fabric labels, iron-on labels, Tyvek labels, hang tags, elastics and trims printings, and much more. If there's a design or style of merchandise tags you're considering, don't hesitate to ask if we can do it!

You can contact Hi-Tech Printing & Labeling, Inc. easily by phone at 213-746-7772 or through the online form at our contact us page.

Our Location

1950 Staunton Ave.
Los Angeles, Ca 90058
(2 Blocks West of Alameda, 1 Block South of Washington)

Contact Us

Tel : (213) 746-7772
Fax: (213) 746-4412

HI-TECH Printing & Labeling Inc.

We have the expertise and ability to create labels and tags for your product! Check out some recent samples of our work and prices and contact us for all your labelling needs. Call us toll free for a free quote or drop by for free samples.